What to know - Ride Leader Expectations

What are the responsibilities of a WCCC Ride Leader?
Planning the ride
Decide the pace, length and terrain for your ride. Use an existing WCCC route by searching for "WCCC" in RidewithGPS.com or create your own with RWGPS. Tip: Use the filters when searching with RWGPS as a general search for "WCCC" will yield thousands of results. The "Show only turn by turn Routes" option will narrow the results significantly.
Decide your rest stops (if any). Try to be aware if the places will be open w/ bathroom available.
Post your ride on the WCCC Ride Calendar (Instructions Here)
Know the route. It's a best practice to drive the course ahead of time if you are not familiar with the roads, or unsure of road conditions.
Check the weather. If you feel conditions are unsafe you may elect to cancel the ride. The WCCC Ride Calendar software will automatically notify registrants of the cancelation.
At the start
Introduce yourself to all riders
Survey riders to find out if anyone is new to club riding and/or new to the ride level.
Appoint a co-lead if the group is large.
Talk about safety and your expectations for the ride.
Explain the published pace, suggest that faster riders may go ahead on their own, but if they do, they are no longer considered a part of the ride.
Ask if everyone is comfortable riding at the published pace. Suggest a different ride to anyone that is unsure.
Take a headcount.
Leave at, or within a few minutes of, published start time.
On the road
Lead by example, obeying traffic laws and riding safely.
Ride at the published pace.
Make suggestions for where to regroup and wait for the last rider before continuing.
If faster riders go off the front, do not chase, let them go as they are no longer a part of your ride.
If somebody cannot keep up with the group, ask your group if anyone is willing to stay with the slower rider. Speak to the slower rider in private explaining you cannot continue to wait for them. Explain if someone has volunteered to stay with them. If not, give directions for returning to the start, joining with another group if that's an opportunity, or calling for a pick up.
Give guidance about safety, technique and group riding skills as needed.
Take a headcount occasionally. The rest stop is a good time to check in make sure everyone is OK and has what they need to continue.
After the ride
Post a ride report in the Ride Report Forum. It doesn't have to be long but at a minimum state how many riders participated and if there were any incidents or noteworthy issues that other ride leaders/riders would benefit from knowing (i.e a closed road on the route).
Notify a member of the WCCC Board if a serious incident occurred.
What can I expect from my WCCC Ride Leader?
See above! Plus...
To be treated with respect at all times.
To provide constructive feedback on your riding style that will make you a better/safer cyclist.
What should I NOT expect from my WCCC Ride Leader?
To chase if you ride off the front of the group at a faster pace than published. This behavior is called "Pirating a ride" and the offenders are labelled as "Pirates". All Pirates, and those who follow them, are on their own and are not considered a part of the ride.
To wait for you if you can't ride at the published pace. It's your responsibility to ensure you can ride at the published pace. Please join a slower paced ride if in doubt.
To be your on-the-road mechanic. While many of our ride leaders have the knowledge to assist with on the road repairs, it's your responsibility to ensure your bike is in good working order and that you have the tools, spares, and skill required to conduct normal on-the-road repairs (fix a flat, a dropped chain, a rubbing brake, etc.)
To be a 1st Responder. Medical assessment and assistance is best provided by a professional.