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WCCC CARES - Membership Renewal Rebate Initiative


Every WCCC member that renewed their 2024 memberships via the Kit Purchase option is eligible for a membership renewal rebate of $25.

As in the past, we’ll provide eligible members the option to receive their rebate or to donate their rebate to a variety of local charities (this year's list is below).

In addition, we are encouraging ALL members to consider giving an incremental donation directly to one or more of these very worthy local charities to multiply the impact of the rebates.

In addition the WCCC will fund a 50% match of the first $1,000 raised (including your incremental donations) for each of the rebate charities.

Our objective is to double the WCCC facilitated donations to the rebate charities.

Please inform Jack Kramer of any incremental donations made directly to any of the charities below made in association with this initiative so we can accurately calculate the WCCC CARES matching donation.

WCCC CARES 2024 Rebate Initiative Charities


Domestic Violence Center of Chester County

The mission of the Domestic Violence Center of Chester County is to reduce, remedy, and prevent domestic violence in Chester County.

DVCCC works in collaboration with law enforcement and the District Attorney’s Office to ensure domestic violence survivors are served efficiently and compassionately.

Domestic violence can happen to anyone regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender. Domestic violence affects people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels. Domestic violence occurs in both opposite-sex and same-sex relationships and can happen to intimate partners who are married, living together, or dating.

Domestic violence not only affects those who are abused, but also has a substantial effect on family members, friends, co-workers, other witnesses, and the community at large.

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Giving Bikes Back

Giving Bikes Back is a program of the Westside Community Center that restores used bikes and donates them to the youth and families in our community. Our recipients and partner charities have told us that with limited hours or job loss altogether, many people can't afford gas or bus passes. In addition, people are seeing students' grades and behaviors improve by getting exercise and fresh air after being cooped up with remote learning. Riding their newly donated bikes has given the whole family a way to spend time together and manage stress at a difficult time.

We are thrilled to report that our Giving Bikes Back program provided 92 bikes in 2022 to those truly in need!! Our average cost per client to run our program, including brand new helmets and locks, was only $31!!!

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Partners Creating Community

Partners Creating Community (PCC) is a not-for-profit that creates opportunities for individuals with intellectual differences (contributors).

PCC offers a safe and stimulating farm home, meaningful work, educational and vocational programs, recreational events, and socialization opportunities so that their contributors can become more active and engaged members of their community.

PCC has just opened its new cafe, 260 Bridge Cafe, in Phoenixville, which is staffed by contributors and features its Heartstone Pastry, Pear Tree Coffee and Green Lion Breads.

The cafe enables contributors to become gainfully employed, which provides a sense of purpose, self-worth and connection to the community.

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West Chester Food Cupboard

The West Chester Food Cupboard's vision is a community free from hunger and food insecurity. One in which everyone has access to the good quality, nutritious food they need for their physical, mental, and emotional health.

We commit to provide a variety of healthy food items to people in need in our community. “…because no one should go hungry!

Unfortunately, due to current economic conditions, the demand for our services has increased by over 40% within the past year.  We are currently providing support to over 1100 local families providing 150,000 pounds of food valued in excess of $280,000 each month.

We are thankful that our generous community and our 100% volunteer organization enable us to help so many of our neighbors.

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