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HomeWCCC CARES - Definition


The WCCC's Philanthropic and Community Service Program






WCCC CARES is the club’s philanthropic & community service program for 2024.

Why are we doing this now?


The WCCC has much to celebrate on our 20th anniversary.  We live in a wonderful place to ride our bikes, we have grown in membership, we have expanded the number and diversity of rides offered on a weekly basis, and we are financially sound.


The last few years have been very kind to the club. Unfortunately, that is not the case for many in our community. The post pandemic years have forced way too many of our neighbors to struggle with the basics of life we tend to take for granted.


That prompted the WCCC Board to expand the club’s philanthropic & community service objectives for 2024. We’ve always been generous with our membership rebate charitable giving options and community service, but we’d like to kick it up a notch this year.

How does it work?

WCCC CARES will be the aggregation of a number of philanthropic and community service initiatives. Each initiative will be sponsored and led by an active club member.

The WCCC will fund a 50% match of the first $1,000 raised for each qualified charity/initiative (definition below) up to a total annual match of $5,000.

What is a qualified initiative and/or charity?

Qualified Initiative:

  • Sponsored and led by an active club member.

  • Have an Initiative definition document that describes the initiative, identifies goals, timelines, and responsibilities.

  • Provide funds and/or labor to a qualified charity or community organization

  • Approved by the WCCC Board of Directors

Qualified Charity:

  • An organization that has been granted tax-exempt status by the IRS and is eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions (known as a 501(c)(3) organization).

  • Must service the areas we ride in

  • Donated funds are used locally

  • Not politically or religiously affiliated

Give me a couple examples of a WCCC CARES initiative:

Kit Purchase Membership Renewal Rebate Donation Initiative: Led by Jack Kramer

All members that renewed their 2024 memberships via Kit Purchase are eligible for a membership renewal rebate (typically $25).

As in the past, we will offer the option for members to receive their rebates or to donate them to a variety of local charities. In addition, we are encouraging all members to consider giving an incremental donation to one or more of these very worthy local charities to multiply the impact of the rebates and take advantage of the WCCC CARES matching donation.

Giving Bikes Back Initiative: Led by Jan Johnson

Giving Bikes Back is a program of the Westside Community Center that restores used bikes and donates them to the youth and families in our community. Giving Bikes Back matches used bicycles with community members, typically children, who cannot afford a bicycle. The program acquires bicycles (via donations) then inspects and repairs them to ensure roadworthiness via volunteer efforts.  The WCCC provides monetary support and helps with donated bike repairs multiple times per year.

Giving Bikes Back is one of the charities members can select for the rebate give back program above. We also encourage members to donate their time to donated bike repair activities as communicated throughout the year.

How do I get involved?

It's easy! Participate in any of the WCCC CARES initiatives via providing a monetary donation or a contribution of your time. Don't forget, your monetary donations can be amplified by WCCC CARES matching thereby increasing the impact of your generosity!

Please contact any member of the WCCC Board if you are interested in leading a WCCC CARES initiative.