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HomeCalendarZwift, 8:00 AM Start, 2 Hrs Max, Steve K

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Zwift, 8:00 AM Start, 2 Hrs Max, Steve K

Date and Time

Saturday, February 15, 2025, 8:00 AM until 11:00 AM


Meeting ID:
873 1760 4739

Ride Leader(s)

Steven Karaszkiewicz



Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

Zwift, 8:00 AM Start, 2 Hrs Max, Steve Karaszkiewicz

2 hour ride on Zwift in Watopia, Out and Back Again route. The group will hold a 2.0 to 2.5 w/kg pace with efforts up to but not exceeding 3.0 w/kg on climbs. I will expect everyone to stay with the group at all times. 

You must sign up for the ride on the Zwift Companion App or via the following link:

You do not need to be a member of the my WCDev Zwift club or the WCCC Zwift club to join the event..


We will be communicating using the Discord app. Follow this link to join the call once you've created a Discord account.