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Mike Kress, (B), Spring Tune-Up #2
Ride Leader(s)
Mike Kress
484-995-4756 (c)
Registration Info
Registration is closed - Event is full
10 Total Slots
Event is full - Waitlist available
About this event
B, Spring Tune-Up #2, 44mi
Been off the bike for a while?
For Spring 2024, I'm again running a series of rides (4 to 6 to ??) to help get us back in riding shape. Over the next several weeks, we'll ramp up from low B to B+ in effort level.
But there's more to it than just being in shape and riding faster. If you're really interested in riding as a group (and not just a group ride), this may be for you. Those who want to learn are 100% welcome; same for those who already know what I'm talking about; those who value personal mph maybe not so much.
Ride #2 is a simple route again, without any significant climbs. It's designed to increase effort slightly, while getting us to work together in single pacelines (see animation and here) were possible. Expect a group pace near 15 mph. Our effort was tough to gauge last week, as we really combined rides with another group, but I expect this to be a solid B effort.
Rest stop (Rite Aid) at mile 28, with Wawa as alternative.
I will increase the # of available slots if no alternate B rides are posted (but I'll need some help).
Gameday decisions by 7:30a.
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